Early this week, Claudia Newbern, assistant principal at North Charleston’s R.B. Stall High School, stopped by the office to present William Applegate with a plaque in appreciation of the firm’s $7,500 donation to its English as a Second Language (ESOL) program. Just about 30% of Stall students are in the ESOL program, and Yarborough Applegate’s gift will support a handful of important initiatives ranging from sending students on field trips to publishing a book of their short stories. Most recently, the gift from Yarborough Applegate provided funds for 50 new English-to-Spanish dictionaries to further aid ESOL teachers in the classroom.
William Applegate, a fluent Spanish speaker, often works in Hispanic communities throughout Charleston and is thrilled to better support the clients he serves, saying: “Para nosotros, es muy importante ayudar a la comunidad hispano en luchar para sus derechos porque creemos que son integral de nuestro estado y pais en todo. Nuestras clients latinos ha puesto mucho confianza en nosotros y queremos devolver a la comunidad algo a cambio por eso.”