While it’s imperative that individuals refrain from intoxicated driving, licensed drinking establishments and alcohol retailers share a responsibility in keeping our roads safe.

When businesses commit to safe alcohol service, they play their part in keeping drunk drivers off the roads and making our communities safer.

Our attorneys are all too familiar with the devastating effects of alcohol abuse. In recent years, our team has recovered more than $32 million dollars for victims of drunk driving.

After leaving a birthday party, a driver who admitted to consuming high gravity beers ran into our client who was riding a moped. Yarborough Applegate partner David Lail was able to negotiate a $950,000 settlement on our client’s behalf from the insurance company, despite the drunk driver only carrying a minimum limits liability policy. “South Carolina […]

Lail’s talk focused on representing victims of drunk driving, as well as the dangers of unsafe alcohol service.

Lail’s talk focused on representing victims of drunk driving, as well as the dangers of unsafe alcohol service.

We’re just over a month away from the Columbia Walk Like MADD and the Yarborough Applegate team lead by attorney David Lail is gearing up to walk for the second year in a row. Yarborough Applegate has served as a national MADD partner and event sponsor for the past two years working closely with MADD […]